Despite of the pandemic and COVID 19 threat, APPTech Experts held their first ever virtual customer day event last June 30, 2020!
Thank you for being part of ANOTHER history! Dear clients who attended our previous customer days, thank you for your unending support! And to those first timers, we hope that you enjoyed this mini event we made exclusively for you! Thank you for allowing us to be part of your #IntelligentEnterprise journey. As much as we wanted to celebrate this day the usual way, we need to adapt to change. And so shall we! We hope you enjoyed this day as much as we did.
It’s only with #APPTechExperts where expertise meets commitment

Customer Day event 2020 attendees

Customer Day event 2020 attendees

Customer Day event 2020 attendees

APPSupport team with JR Barte of SAP Philippines
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