It is definitely an honor to be trusted with a project during this challenging time. Thank you to our latest partner for giving us the chance to help them become successful, digitally! Indeed, we are flattered to be labeled as the “good girls/guys” in their digital transformation journey. Read each captions to know why JDEL Group of Companies chose SAP Business One and APPTech to make their business Run Better!
It’s only with #APPTechExperts where expertise meets commitment

Given the current situation, most SMEs including JDEL Group of Companies adjusted their employees to work at home due to the implemented lockdowns in the past months. And what’s THE BEST WAY to manage the productivity of their people? Check the next photo to find out!

Today marks the long and fruitful partnership between #JDEL Group of Companies, #SAP Philippines, and #APPTech Experts

For both SAP and APPTech, we want our clients and other SMEs to be digitally resilient and prepare them for the New Economy! #SAPCares #APPTechCares

Automation is the KEY to manage their people’s productivity. And we are grateful that JDEL chose SAP Business One and APPTech to lead them in this change. We help them CONNECT WITH PURPOSE.

SAP Philippines’ Managing Director is keen towards digital technologies. He explained that SMEs should be and stay resilient during these uncertain times. They have to be prepared to take in demands whenever we recover from this pandemic.

With this imminent change, we are grateful that we all share the same advocacy and passion— and that is, digital transformation.
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