
APPTech launches APPTech Cares Playbook

Fear. Doubt. Uncertainties. Indeed, this crisis triggered different emotions. However, above all, we need our presence of mind and shared knowledge to at least help flattening the curve. #APPTechCares playbook is a comprehensive step by step guide to improve our chances to lessen the virus transmission- a collective guide and [...]

The Impact of Digitization on Leadership and Work webinar

Given the unprecedented pace of change we’ve experienced last year, APPTech shared the latest trends, industry examples, and best practices with our invitees. The Impact of Digitization on Leadership and Work webinar gave our participants an idea on how they can make their company more resilient, profitable, and sustainable! It's [...]

Crownmix Corporation Project Kick Off

The whole APPTech team would like to welcome our newest partner to the family! Thank you, Crownmix Corporation Asphalt Batching Plant, for letting us jumpstart their #IntelligentEnterprise journey. Together, let’s innovate and pioneer the change in manufacturing business— not just for ourselves, but for the improvement of our respective customers’ [...]

1st ever Virtual Christmas Party

Celebrating christmas with a twist! APPTech Experts held their first ever virtual Christmas Party! 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone but being able to withstand the challenges is something to be proud of. Ending this decade with the family we personally and professionally grew up with! We learned [...]

APPTech Project Kick Off with Sanden International Phils

We’re always looking forward to start a project with an institution that shares the same goals with us! The objective of this project is to stabilize and strengthen the foundation for future growth by changing the operation from manual-base to data-base. All smiles for another successful project kick-off with our [...]

APPTech came up with Digital Success in One Bite Webinar

APPTech held another yet successful webinar event last November 11, 2020. Through this event, our participants learned the value of ERP and how it is relevant today more than ever. And through our invited speakers, they found out if their business, sustainability, and Cloud ERP fit together. It is only [...]

APPTech held its Biggest Virtual Project Kick Off

APPTech held their BIGGEST kick off meeting to date with over 150+ participants from both APPTech Experts and JDel Group of Companies last October 1, 2020! With everyone’s active participation in today’s event proves that our project team is indeed excited and ready to jumpstart their digital transformation journey! It’s [...]

APPTech Contract Signing with JDEL Group of Companies

It is definitely an honor to be trusted with a project during this challenging time. Thank you to our latest partner for giving us the chance to help them become successful, digitally! Indeed, we are flattered to be labeled as the “good girls/guys” in their digital transformation journey. Read each [...]

APPTech held its first webinar series

With the new business environment, APPTech Experts aims to help everyone be equipped and resilient through their 4 part Enterprise Resilience webinar series! Webinar #1: Navigating the Cloud Journey: Is moving my business to the cloud right for me? Webinar #2: How E-commerce can become your golden opportunity Webinar #3: The [...]

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